
Collection of intracellular Pseudomonas aeruginosa papers 

We are currently making a comprehensive list of publications that observed or conducted experiments pertaining to intracellular P. aeruginosa. These studies primarily feature epithelial cells. Generally we did not include papers regarding its phagocytosis into immune cells, unless the bacteria usurped that process in some fashion to their apparent benefit. 

View the collection!

Useful sites for our research 

ImageJ macro functions

Resources for prospective graduate students

How to apply for graduate student positions (by Lily Khadempour - includes advice for postdoc and faculty applicants, too!)

For Prospective PhD Students (by Daniel Gonzales) 

Programs we like

FIJI - ImageJ but loaded with useful imaging plugins

Handbrake - Turn ImageJ's raw avi files into mp4s with controlled compression

NIS elements viewer - Good for a quick look at huge ND2 files

Our Friends at Loyola

Microbiology & Immunology:

Allen Lab - collaborator

Abbineni Lab - collaborator

Visick Lab - collaborator

Campbell lab - collaborator

Mounce Lab - collaborator

Baker Lab - collaborator

Hockenberry Lab

Sojka Lab

Gallagher Lab

Our other Collaborators:

Kirk Lab (Loyola)

Kaja Lab (Loyola)

Alonzo Lab (UIC)

Mitchell Lab (University of Washington)